Our Services / Youth Support Service
“Thank you for giving
us our daughter back”
– Mother and Father

Our Services / Youth Support Service
– Mother and Father
Our outreach work is a core part of our service at the Les Twentyman Foundation and focuses on supporting young people experiencing incredibly complex and emotional situations.
Importantly, we aim to engage with the broader family to support improved outcomes for the young person. Empowering parents, resourcing families, and creating employment and education opportunities for the young person are foundations of the program.
We work closely with schools and other education settings, employers, and specialist services to create the best outcomes possible for the young people we work with.
Our outreach program is funded in full by our generous donors and supporters.
Our youth workers meet with young people in their environment, helping them to feel safe and secure, whilst providing counselling, support and guidance, all aimed at assisting young people to make positive choices in their life.
Our work helps young people to navigate the complexities of the Children’s Court ensuring that appropriate connections are made to personal and legal support services.
In addition, we offer practical support and linkages to specialist services for young people experiencing issues with alcohol and other drugs. Our strong relationships in this area have helped many young people to access drug and alcohol rehabilitation treatment programs.
Resourcing for this program is limited and referrals are assessed on a case-by-case basis. Support is offered predominantly to young people and families within the Western Suburbs of Melbourne aged 10 -17 years.
If you’d like to enquire about this service, please call 03 9689 4800 or email [email protected]
We are witnessing an increasing number of young people referred to us through Victoria Police’s Proactive Policing Unit (PPU) and court diversion programs. The demand for these critical services continues to grow, highlighting the essential role we play, together with partner agencies, in supporting at-risk youth to remain engaged with their education, their family and their communities. Remarkably, this service is funded entirely by the generosity of our donors, as we receive no government funding from either the state or federal governments. Your support is vital in helping us meet this increasing need and making a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable and at-risk young people.
Chris Lacey
General Manager, Programs
E: [email protected]
Ph: (03) 9689 4800 or 0419 338 608