Our Services / Side Hustle School


“So full of incredible and helpful
information. So appreciative and grateful to have the opportunity to do this course and give me the confidence to ‘have a go’ at a side hustle.Thank you!”

– Side Hustle School Participant

shs 2023 full report


We turn the JUST NOT YOU into JUST FOR YOU and create confidence and entrepreneurial skills that change lives along the way.

Imagine you’re a bright young person… from the wrong side of the tracks.

The world is full of opportunities…just not for you.

You’re told there’s work out there.. just not for you.

That there’s support out there…just not for you.

That anyone can be successful…JUST NOT YOU.

We turn the JUST NOT YOU into JUST FOR YOU and create confidence and entrepreneurial skills that change lives along the way.

The world is full of entrepreneurial young people, with bright ideas… But no idea how to make them happen. Side Hustle School helps young people GROW, GLOW & LIVE BRIGHTER.

Launching our trial in 2022 Side Hustle School is not your ordinary pre-accelerator/micro-enterprise program… in fact nothing we do is ordinary, including the people we support.

Side Hustle School is for people that might not fit into those ‘normal’ employment pathways, because of… well, for a lot of reasons.

Our program first supports the individual through boosting and bolstering self-leadership, confidence, and a positive, entrepreneurial mindset, helping to overcome the negative past experiences many participants have had.

Only then do we start expanding the focus to two levels of business skills (pre-hustle planning and then what to do when you start), still keeping one eye firmly fixed on managing those vital mindset challenges that all businessowners know can derail their best laid business plans.

And because we know that Rome wasn’t built in a day, our support program provides regular masterclasses, guest speakers, networking, and peer support.

‘Graduation’ celebrations at the completion of each stage of the program keep our side hustlers motivated, excited, and engaged.


Side Hustle School is run by staff of the Les Twentyman Foundation, together with our expert delivery partners Confidence Hackers and the Uncommon Collective.

Side Hustle School is a unique and innovative way to truly support young people and their dream of starting their very own business, doing something that they are excited and passionate about.

Program funders are invited to join the Side Hustle School as specialist guest speakers and graduation ceremony invitees, to experience first-hand the true impact of their financial support.

Side Hustle School truly is a life-changing experience for everyone involved.

View our 2023 Side Hustle School Report here.

For more information, please contact Carly on [email protected] or 03 9689 4800


Chris Lacey
General Manager, Programs
E: [email protected]
Ph: (03) 9689 4800 or 0419 338 608